Mercer Rowing 2018 Naming Opportunities

“Rowing changed my daughter’s life.”

                                   -mercer parent

How many times have you heard that sentiment echoed as you gather with others along the shoreline, waiting for that fleeting glimpse of your child’s boat?

MERCER-MERCER we cheer together. And in that moment, an unspoken bond, that you are a part of something special that changed not only your daughter or son’s life, but yours as well. Then at home later that night, your child’s elation at the results and the determination that they have more to give. You marvel at this newfound grit and dedication. You are profoundly grateful for finding this unique sport for your child.

If this story is familiar, might you want to consider leaving a lasting legacy to honor your experience at Mercer and pave the way for future rowers?

By sponsoring the purchase of new equipment, you can cement your place in Mercer history. In return for your sponsorship, you will be given boat naming honors, an indelible momento. The name is yours to choose. A favorite coach. Your child’s favorite expression. A family name. A poignant memory. A meaningful group accomplishment.

Please see the attached list for the range of naming opportunities. We would welcome a conversation about how you might individually, or with others, help us to ensure that this transformative experience is available to children and families for many years to come.

Thank you for your commitment to Mercer Rowing.


2018 Mercer Naming Opportunities.docx

Go Mercer!

The Mercer Rowing Advisory Committee

Kristin Appelget
Mary Agnes Brodowski
David Kuhlman
Stephen Parker
Jim Stoddard
Jamie Tanguay
Susan Voorhees